Sunday, December 20, 2015

It's getting serious

The calendar gets about 400 views per week. The article about ODSP payment dates gets about 7,000 views per week. That's pretty brutal. That's actual soup kitchen users and actual ODSPers looking for food. Looking for their money. Using the 'net to do so. And yet service providers, from TDIN to your corner church and their meal program, generally don't publish their actual mealtimes to the public. TDIN's not making their holiday meal program guide public this year. No announcement, no particular reason, they just never did it.

The holiday closures totally outnumber the extra holiday meals. Absolutely dwarf them. Those closures are not expressed anywhere online. There's no brochure about them distributed through the system, there's no real notification system at all. If you're not going to these programs on a regular basis, and checking up on their holiday schedule, you have absolutely no way of knowing about closures. Well, except for this website. Where it's accurate. This year won't be so bad. The calendar is mostly up to date. A lot of closures have been flagged. Some of them are pretty major. St. Felix said no more holiday closures, and changed their mind. Good Shepherd said no holiday closures, and changed their mind. Sistering and 416 Dundas are going strong, so women are covered. The ones who are close by or can travel, anyway.

We're heading into this winter with fewer shelter beds than we had last winter, not more. Way fewer. Hundreds less than we had a few years ago. Good luck out there! You'll need it. All three levels of government, and society at large, definitely want all of us dead or in jail. Or at least, totally starving.

1 comment:

  1. What about G-d promising sustenance for all his creautures in scriptures ? Very confusing
