Friday, July 13, 2012

Chicken Lunch at the Taoist Institute parking lot

Every Monday at 4pm, the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism serves chicken, rice or noodles, and steamed vegetables, in its parking lot in the alley behind the LCBO on Spadina, north of Dundas. You're not allowed to smoke on the property. People line up for seconds after the initial serving, but if you're just showing up, they let you skip the "seconds" line. It's the cleanest food this side of Sketch Open Studio.

It's supposed to open at 4pm. Here I am at 3:58. The line stretches from the locked gate, west to the end of the alley, around the corner and maybe 20 feet south down the other alley. Few of my friends who really need this food are willing to come. Let's see how long I takes to get to serving #1, and how long it takes to get to serving #2. Last time it took about 20 minutes to get from one to the other, and the only thing they had then was rice.

I just heard someone say "no more chicken left: rice only," which is pretty worrying, since the only other meals within reach cost $1. My skin is burning from the lack of shade. I can only see a few other non-Asians in line. The mood is chilled and friendly.

At 4:05, the line starts moving. In about 2 minutes, the line has shifted to the parking lot, and stopped.

By 4:20 on the dot, I'm out of the alley with my chicken leg, boiled bok chou and a bunch of white rice. And a styrofoam cup of green tea.

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